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Foodservice Equipment & Supplies Leadership Global Summit

The inaugural Global Foodservice Equipment & Supplies Leadership Summit, held in Milano on October 22nd, on the eve of the opening of Host 2015 exhibition, unite, for the first time ever, the management and key representatives of the foodservice equipment manufacturer Associations from Europe, North America, Asia and Australia including EFCEM (Europe), NAFEM (North America), NAFES (Australia).

The meeting shares knowledge, experience, resources, expertise and learning. It deals with vital issues for the industry and the market: globalization and extended reach, impending new regulations, starting with the European energy label for refrigeration equipment on July 2016. The labelling, supported by EFCEM, has been adopted throughout the EU.

The Global Leadership Summit held at the Atellani Palace, a historical mansion where Leonardo da Vinci lived while working on the “Last Supper” fresco, which is now, located just a few meters across the road in the Dominican convent adjoining the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie. 


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